Instagram's has added three new filters to its popular photo sharing app and with names such as Reyes, Lark and Juno, I feel like just by using them I will instantly become more "hip". With each filter highlighting different colour tones to help maximize your photos you can get that perfect photo of the hipster cafe's you go to. For me though, the best part of the update was the new ability to hashtag emoji's because we all know that they just make everything cuter. The Instagram announcement says it a little more poetically then me with,
"and just as we share photos and videos, we use emoji to communicate emotions and feelings in ways that anyone can understand, regardless of language or background".
Now that we can use explore to search hashtag emoji it will be interesting to see how many crazy emoji combinations take off.
Instagram has also promised to bring out more filters at a regular rate to accommodate the filter junkies out there. So if you havn't already head out to your local McDonalds wifi hot spot and upgrade your instagram and give it a go :) #instagram #emoji #whyamihashtagging
Your one and only,
Luke Henderson
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