Happy Easter,
I hope everyone is having an amazing long weekend either at home or travelling around the countryside :) Today I'm going to talk about how to go about setting your goals. When choosing a goal you need to be specific with what you have in mind, so ask yourself the five "w's"; what, why, who, where and which. Asking these simple questions will help make a clearer picture of your goal. Now you cant just be specific when choosing your goal you also need to make it measurable. You need to ask ask yourself questions like how much? how many? when do I know if I have accomplished it?
By having answers to these questions it will make it easier to see how your goal is moving forward. Your goal needs to be attainable and not just a dream, so you need to think about how can it be accomplished and whether it is realistic when put against your constraints.
Now look at the goal and see if it is relevant, is it the right time, are you the right person for the job, does it seem worth it? If you can answer all these then your onto the last step which is to put a time constraint on it. Think about when are you going to implement it, how long are you going try for your goal and what can I do six month from now? If you can answer all these questions when creating a goal for your business your on the right track. That's all for today everyone enjoy your long weekend and I'll be back soon.
Yours truly,
Luke Henderson
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