Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Facebook The Anti Social Network

Well you guessed it; today my rant is going to be about Facebook. People in this day and age are spending more time on their phones than ever with a whopping 1.72 hours per day spent on social networking sites and with that number set only to increase over the next several years. Facebook is one of the largest social networking sites with 1.25 Billion active monthly users.
Now I know what your thinking, Facebook is a great way to stay in touch with friend's overseas and interstate, technically you are correct but for me the positives of Facebook are heavily outweighed by the negatives. Now stop for a second and look up from what your reading and look around at everyone you can see and count how many of them are on their phones. Now my guess is if your in a room of around 5-10 people, the number of people on their phones is between 3-6, so that's between 30%-60% of the people in that one room on their phones. Now I don't contribute this all to Facebook, other social networking sites are to blame too and also the invention of smart phones has made it too easy to access these sites at the touch of a finger. But the amount of time people spend scrolling down there news-feeds pointlessly looking for something to entertain them for a few seconds of their life is creating a very antisocial generation. Just the other day at university I was trying to have a conversation with someone and the whole time they were busy staring at their phone on Facebook scrolling through their feed to find out what everyone had got up to over the weekend. Lets be honest here most people spend 5% posting new content, 15% sharing funny videos, 40% scrolling through the news feed and 40% stalking other Facebook users photos. If we could cut back the time we spend on our phones we would be more productive and also be a better in social situations, but if we keep on with the trend of increasing more time on our phones and social networking sites we will find in the future people wont have the people skills to cope in social situations. Now I don't know about you but thats not how I wish to live my life, so from now on I am aiming to spend less time on my phone and more time living my life outside of the anti "social network".

Well that's all for today hope to have a new post up again soon.
Yours truly,
Luke Henderson