Monday, April 27, 2015

Instagrams New Update Comes With New Filters and a Side of Emoji's

Instagram's has added three new filters to its popular photo sharing app and with names such as Reyes, Lark and Juno, I feel like just by using them I will instantly become more "hip".  With each filter highlighting different colour tones to help maximize your photos you can get that perfect photo of the hipster cafe's you go to. For me though, the best part of the update was the new ability to hashtag emoji's because we all know that they just make everything cuter. The Instagram announcement says it a little more poetically then me with,
 "and just as we share photos and videos, we use emoji to communicate emotions and feelings in ways that anyone can understand, regardless of language or background". 

Now that we can use explore to search hashtag emoji it will be interesting to see how many crazy emoji combinations take off.
Instagram has also promised to bring out more filters at a regular rate to accommodate the filter junkies out there. So if you havn't already head out to your local McDonalds wifi hot spot and upgrade your instagram and give it a go :) #instagram #emoji #whyamihashtagging

Your one and only,
Luke Henderson

Find us on Facebook

Hi everyone, today I have a question for you. I'm wondering how effective do you think having the logo to my right on your menu's and business cards really is? comment below id love to see peoples opinions and thoughts

Yours always,
Luke Henderson

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Social media surprises

Hi everyone,the other day I read an amazing story about Matt Stopera who had his iPhone stolen in 2014. The phone was never wiped and photos of a man kept appearing on his phone. He decided to post on Buzzfeed about these photo's appearing on his iPhone and came to the conclusion this man in the photo's was still logged into his icloud. The post gained major momentum trying to find out who the mystery man "Brother Orange" was, through Weibo (a Chinese version of twitter) he was found and then the story took a major turn. The two men started talking to each other and decided to meet up and it created an interesting "bromance". It is a truly heart warming story about two men who can barely speak to each other but still manage to become the best of friends. This  has shown that sometimes social media can come up with a surprising result and that you never know how far your reach is.
I highly recommend the article below if you have spare time in your day.

Yours truly,
Luke Henderson 

Social Listening

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't posted for a while, I managed to tear a ligament in my ankle at football practice right before the start of the season :/ Unfortunately this sidetracked me from all my wonderful blog followers, but now I'm back though so I hope your ready :)

Today I'm going to be giving my views on social listening and how it benefits you. Social listening is a key principle in social media marketing it allows us to create a dialogue with our customers to help create loyalty and trust. This loyalty and trust is key to our social business culture,  without it customers wouldn't be coming back to brands like Jordan and Apple. Social listening not only gives us the ability to hear what consumers are saying about your product but gives you data needed to improve on your product/business. Having this kind of culture online lets you cast a wider net and help create marketing that feeds itself.
Social Listening also helps you stop a crisis before it escalates too far like some Adelaide pubs kicking out customers, with or without food in front of them because of neck or face tattoo's. Customers posted their issue with the establishment on Facebook which snowballed into a much larger issue due to slow reply's. If they had replied sooner to this issue they could have minimalized the damage done to their public relations.

Next time your on your social media platforms make sure you listen to your consumers and take in their feed back because it will be highly beneficial to your business.

Well that it for today everyone hope you have enjoyed my first post back from hiatus, hopefully many more to come in the near future :)

Yours truly, 
Luke Henderson

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Creating Goals

Happy Easter, 
I hope everyone is having an amazing long weekend either at home or travelling around the countryside :) Today I'm going to talk about how to go about setting your goals. When choosing a goal you need to be specific with what you have in mind, so ask yourself the five "w's"; what, why, who, where and which. Asking these simple questions will help make a clearer picture of your goal. Now you cant just be specific when choosing your goal you also need to make it measurable. You need to ask ask yourself questions like how much? how many? when do I know if I have accomplished it?
By having answers to these questions it will make it easier to see how your goal is moving forward. Your goal needs to be attainable and not just a dream, so you need to think about how can it be accomplished and whether it is realistic when put against your constraints. 
Now look at the goal and see if it is relevant, is it the right time, are you the right person for the job, does it seem worth it? If you can answer all these then your onto the last step which is to put a time constraint on it. Think about when are you going to implement it, how long are you going try for your goal and what can I do six month from now? If you can answer all these questions when creating a goal for your business your on the right track. That's all for today everyone enjoy your long weekend and I'll be back soon.
Yours truly,
Luke Henderson